
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Simple Open EtherCAT Master Library 
00003  *
00004  * File    : ethercatconfiglist.h
00005  * Version : 1.2.5
00006  * Date    : 09-04-2011
00007  * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Speciaal Machinefabriek Ketels v.o.f.
00008  * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Arthur Ketels
00009  * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 TU/e Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 
00010  *
00011  * SOEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
00012  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
00013  * Software Foundation.
00014  *
00015  * SOEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
00016  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00017  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
00018  * for more details.
00019  *
00020  * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
00021  * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
00022  * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
00023  * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
00024  * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
00025  * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
00026  *
00027  * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
00028  * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
00029  *
00030  * The EtherCAT Technology, the trade name and logo “EtherCAT” are the intellectual
00031  * property of, and protected by Beckhoff Automation GmbH. You can use SOEM for
00032  * the sole purpose of creating, using and/or selling or otherwise distributing
00033  * an EtherCAT network master provided that an EtherCAT Master License is obtained
00034  * from Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
00035  *
00036  * In case you did not receive a copy of the EtherCAT Master License along with
00037  * SOEM write to Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Eiserstraße 5, D-33415 Verl, Germany
00038  * (
00039  */
00041 /** \file
00042  * \brief
00043  * Configuration list of known EtherCAT slave devices.
00044  *
00045  * If a slave is found in this list it is configured according to the parameters
00046  * in the list. Otherwise the configuration info is read directly from the slave
00047  * EEPROM (SII or Slave Information Interface).
00048  */
00050 /*
00051   explanation of dev:                                   
00052    1: static device with no IO mapping ie EK1100        
00053    2: input device no mailbox ie simple IO device       
00054    3: output device no mailbox                          
00055    4: input device with mailbox configuration           
00056    5: output device with mailbox configuration          
00057    6: input/output device no mailbox                    
00058    7: input.output device with mailbox configuration           
00059 */
00060 #define EC_CONFIGEND 0xffffffff
00062 ec_configlist_t ec_configlist[] = {
00063       {/*Man=*/0x00000000,/*ID=*/0x00000000,/*Name=*/""          ,/*dtype=*/0,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/ 0},
00064       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x044c2c52,/*Name=*/"EK1100"    ,/*dtype=*/1,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/ 0},
00065       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x03ea3052,/*Name=*/"EL1002"    ,/*dtype=*/2,/*Ibits=*/ 2,/*Obits=*/ 0},
00066       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x03ec3052,/*Name=*/"EL1004"    ,/*dtype=*/2,/*Ibits=*/ 4,/*Obits=*/ 0},
00067       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x03f43052,/*Name=*/"EL1012"    ,/*dtype=*/2,/*Ibits=*/ 2,/*Obits=*/ 0},
00068       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x03f63052,/*Name=*/"EL1014"    ,/*dtype=*/2,/*Ibits=*/ 4,/*Obits=*/ 0},
00069       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x03fa3052,/*Name=*/"EL1018"    ,/*dtype=*/2,/*Ibits=*/ 8,/*Obits=*/ 0},
00070       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x07d23052,/*Name=*/"EL2002"    ,/*dtype=*/3,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/ 2},
00071       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x07d43052,/*Name=*/"EL2004"    ,/*dtype=*/3,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/ 4},
00072       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x07d83052,/*Name=*/"EL2008"    ,/*dtype=*/3,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/ 8},
00073       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x07f03052,/*Name=*/"EL2032"    ,/*dtype=*/6,/*Ibits=*/ 2,/*Obits=*/ 2},
00074       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x0c1e3052,/*Name=*/"EL3102"    ,/*dtype=*/4,/*Ibits=*/48,/*Obits=*/ 0,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00000024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/0,/*FM1ac*/1},
00075       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x0c283052,/*Name=*/"EL3112"    ,/*dtype=*/4,/*Ibits=*/48,/*Obits=*/ 0,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00000024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/0,/*FM1ac*/1},
00076       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x0c323052,/*Name=*/"EL3122"    ,/*dtype=*/4,/*Ibits=*/48,/*Obits=*/ 0,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00000024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/0,/*FM1ac*/1},
00077       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x0c463052,/*Name=*/"EL3142"    ,/*dtype=*/4,/*Ibits=*/48,/*Obits=*/ 0,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00000024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/0,/*FM1ac*/1},
00078       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x0c503052,/*Name=*/"EL3152"    ,/*dtype=*/4,/*Ibits=*/48,/*Obits=*/ 0,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00000024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/0,/*FM1ac*/1},
00079       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x0c5a3052,/*Name=*/"EL3162"    ,/*dtype=*/4,/*Ibits=*/48,/*Obits=*/ 0,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00000024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/0,/*FM1ac*/1},
00080       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x0fc03052,/*Name=*/"EL4032"    ,/*dtype=*/5,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/32,/*SM2a*/0x1100,/*SM2f*/0x00010024,/*SM3a*/0x1180,/*SM3f*/0x00000022,/*FM0ac*/1,/*FM1ac*/0},
00081       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x10063052,/*Name=*/"EL4102"    ,/*dtype=*/5,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/32,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00010024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00000022,/*FM0ac*/1,/*FM1ac*/0},
00082       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x10103052,/*Name=*/"EL4112"    ,/*dtype=*/5,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/32,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00010024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00000022,/*FM0ac*/1,/*FM1ac*/0},
00083       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x101a3052,/*Name=*/"EL4122"    ,/*dtype=*/5,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/32,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00010024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00000022,/*FM0ac*/1,/*FM1ac*/0},
00084       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x10243052,/*Name=*/"EL4132"    ,/*dtype=*/5,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/32,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00010024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00000022,/*FM0ac*/1,/*FM1ac*/0},
00085       {/*Man=*/0x00000002,/*ID=*/0x13ed3052,/*Name=*/"EL5101"    ,/*dtype=*/7,/*Ibits=*/40,/*Obits=*/24,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00010024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/1,/*FM1ac*/1},
00086       {/*Man=*/0x00000286,/*ID=*/0x00000011,/*Name=*/"Trinamic  ",/*dtype=*/7,/*Ibits=*/320,/*Obits=*/320,/*SM2a*/0x1000,/*SM2f*/0x00010024,/*SM3a*/0x1100,/*SM3f*/0x00010020,/*FM0ac*/1,/*FM1ac*/1},
00087       {/*Man=*/EC_CONFIGEND,/*ID=*/0x00000000,/*Name=*/""        ,/*dtype=*/0,/*Ibits=*/ 0,/*Obits=*/ 0}
00088 };
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