The youBot API give you complete joint level access to the youBot joints. Every youBot joint is represented as a youbot::YouBotJoint class in the API.
At this stage we make no difference if it is a base joint which powers a wheel or a manipulator joint. By the classes youbot::YouBotBase and youbot::YouBotManipulator it is possible to get access to a youbot::YouBotJoint instance for a particular joint.
To set a setpoint or read some sensor values form the joints you have to use the youbot::JointData classes. Which could be for instance youbot::JointVelocitySetpoint or youbot::JointSensedCurrent.
To configure parameters of a joint, you have to use the youbot::JointParameter classes. Which could be for instance youbot::MaximumPositioningVelocity.
#include "youbot/YouBotBase.hpp" #include "youbot/YouBotManipulator.hpp" using namespace youbot; int main() { try { ///////// Usage of the base ///////// // creates a YouBotBase instance with the name "youbot-base" which is also the name of the config file YouBotBase myYouBotBase("youbot-base"); // do the sine commutation of the base joints myYouBotBase.doJointCommutation(); // create variables to set and get the base cartesian velocity and pose quantity<si::velocity> longitudinalVelocity = 0.2 * meter_per_second; quantity<si::velocity> transversalVelocity = 0.0 * meter_per_second; quantity<si::angular_velocity> angularVelocity = 0 * radian_per_second; quantity<si::velocity> actualLongitudinalVelocity = 0 * meter_per_second; quantity<si::velocity> actualTransversalVelocity = 0 * meter_per_second; quantity<si::angular_velocity> actualAngularVelocity = 0 * radian_per_second; quantity<si::length> actualLongitudinalPose = 0 * meter; quantity<si::length> actualTransversalPose = 0 * meter; quantity<si::plane_angle> actualAngle = 0 * radian; // sets the base cartesian velocity myYouBotBase.setBaseVelocity(longitudinalVelocity, transversalVelocity, angularVelocity); // reads the base cartesian velocity myYouBotBase.getBaseVelocity(actualLongitudinalVelocity, actualTransversalVelocity, actualAngularVelocity); // reads the base cartesian position which have been calculated from the odometry myYouBotBase.getBasePosition(actualLongitudinalPose, actualTransversalPose, actualAngle); // print the actual cartesian velocity LOG(info) << "actual velocity longitudinal: " << actualLongitudinalVelocity << " transversal: " << actualTransversalVelocity << " angular: " << actualAngularVelocity; //command base joint 1 a velocity of 2 radian per second JointVelocitySetpoint setVel; setVel.angularVelocity = 2 *radian_per_second; myYouBotBase.getBaseJoint(1).setData(setVel); setVel.angularVelocity = 0 *radian_per_second; myYouBotBase.getBaseJoint(1).setData(setVel); ///////// Usage of the manipulator ///////// // creates a YouBotManipulator instance with the name "youbot-manipulator" which is also the name of the config file YouBotManipulator myYouBotManipulator("youbot-manipulator"); // do the sine commutation of the arm joints myYouBotManipulator.doJointCommutation(); // calibrate the reference position of the arm joints myYouBotManipulator.calibrateManipulator(); //receive motor current form joint 1 of the manipulator JointSensedCurrent current; myYouBotManipulator.getArmJoint(1).getData(current); std::cout << "Current manipulator joint 1: " << current.current << std::endl; //read the maximum positioning velocity parameter from the manipulator joint 1 MaximumPositioningVelocity maxPositioningVelocity; myYouBotManipulator.getArmJoint(1).getConfigurationParameter(maxPositioningVelocity); quantity<angular_velocity> velocity; maxPositioningVelocity.getParameter(velocity); std::cout << "Maximum positioning speed of joint 1: " << velocity << std::endl; //configure 2 radian_per_second as the maximum positioning velocity of the manipulator joint 1 maxPositioningVelocity.setParameter(2 * radian_per_second); myYouBotManipulator.getArmJoint(1).setConfigurationParameter(maxPositioningVelocity); ///////// Usage of the gripper ///////// // calibrate the reference position of the gripper myYouBotManipulator.calibrateGripper(); // open the gripper 2 cm GripperBarSpacingSetPoint gripperSetPoint; gripperSetPoint.barSpacing = 0.02 * meter; myYouBotManipulator.getArmGripper().setData(gripperSetPoint); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cout << "unhandled exception" << std::endl; } return 0; }
The youBot Driver needs access to the raw ethernet device. Under Linux a normal user does not have access to the raw ethernet device. You can grand this capability to a program by the tool setcap. To install setcap use:
sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin
To provide a program with raw access to a ethernet device use: (replace the ./YouBot_KeyboardRemoteControl with your program.)
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep ./YouBot_KeyboardRemoteControl
This have to be done whenever the executable is created or replaces e.g. after building.