
Configuration file

The configuration files contains all parameter for the youBot API. They are located in the config folder.

The youbot-ethercat.cfg file contains all parameters for the EtherCAT communication. Here is is possible to specify the Ethernet device name. The cycle time of the communication thread can be changed by the parameter EtherCATUpdateRate_[usec].

The Topology of the youBot joint can be configured in the youbot-base.cfg and youbot-manipulator.cfg. Here you can assign to each youbot::YouBotJoint one EtherCAT slave.

Additionally the config files contain joint specific parameters like the gear ratio or the encoder ticks per round. These parameters are needed by the API to do proper calculations.

Configuration parameters

The motor controller parameters like the PID controller values can be modified by youbot::YouBotJointParameter. This is a list of the parameters:

The switching threshold defines the joint speed when the second parameters set should be used. If the threshold is zero the second set is always used.

There is also a stand alone application to configure the joint parameters. You can find it here:

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